RG: Who were the artists that influenced you into having an interest in music?
CJ: Well, I was a child of music, and by that I mean I've always been involved in music. As a teenager, I played the trombone and grew up in a household where my mother was a huge Michael Jackson fan. So I would have to say Michael was the first person to inspire me to want to be onstage. You could just see how happy he was when he was performing. It was like a place where he could escape and be free, and it made me want to explore it.
RG: Briefly share with me how hard your grind has been to this point.
CJ: It's been a long, hard road. Eleven-plus years of learning, growing and changing with the times. I've taken a lot of 'life' tests along the way that I now know I've passed, and at the end of the day - at least for me - it was definitely worth the fight.
RG: Define the CHIEF JUSTICE brand of Hip-Hop musicality.
CJ: Good, heartfelt music that obviously comes from a genuine, sincere place.
RG: Along with your music, you are also the owner of a lifestyle and blog website, Judge-Mental.com. What is it about your site that stands out from the pack that will attract new viewers?
CJ: Judge-Mental is my music home, but it isn't limited to just myself. In the blog, we highlight trending topics and events in the world of music, fashion, sports and technology. The site also informs my followers of other news and stories of interest that may be shaping the progressive Hip-Hop culture. Judge-Mental.com is like a Hip-Hop news channel, and is ultimately created to connect a community of open-minded people who embrace the idea of 'thinking outside the box.'
RG: What is your opinion on the current landscape of Hip-Hop music?
CJ: It has evolved. It's no longer your Uncle's brand of Hip-Hop. Cats have taken bits and pieces of the culture (both old and new) and developed it to a place where it extends and overlaps with other lifestyles that at one time saw themselves as separate from us (i.e. skateboard culture, tattoo and body piercing, etc.) We have become the prominent way of life in America, as well as many other parts around the globe, and I'm interested to see where we take it next!
RG: What's the best piece of advice you can give to a young man who has musical talent, and wants to take things to the next level?
CJ: The best advice I would give is to always stay true to the reason(s) why you started doing this. These are YOUR values. Measure your success based on what's important to you - not by what the next man is doing or has accomplished.
RG: Define 'being in the spotlight' from your perspective.
CJ: To me, being in the spotlight represents being chosen to lead the masses, and I feel when in the spotlight, we have a duty to be an upstanding example for all to see. We are leading our own future, and we MUST lead by example!
The Chief bringing Liberty & Justice to Hip Hop.