Earlier this year of 2012, Star launched her company 'PA For A Day,' a revolutionary service that provides affordable and top-quality personal assistants to busy companies and over-leveraged individuals in the New York City area. The now-popular company provides part and full-time assistants to execute small tasks such as dry-cleaning pick-up and dog-walking, or large-scaled tasks such as Office Administration or Event Staffing. Drawing on her stellar background in the public relations and events world, Charell is always primed and focused on providing high-quality support to the individuals and small businesses that need it.
Star is also an expectional motivational speaker who shares her wisdom on entrepeneurship to various student groups and professional organizations in New York City and around the country. She also has a 25/7 blog on her company website and volunteers for 'Y.E.S! - Young Executives for Success,' a subdivision of the non-profit charity 'DFS - Dress For Success.' (DressForSuccess.org) For more information, or to book Charell Star to speak at an upcoming event, send your e-mails to charellstar@paforaday.com. Support the work of the all-around amazing, talented, intelligent and beautiful Miss Charell Star!
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